25 Things About Me

Since you are reading my journey, I thought I would share some of the things I know about myself that will probably never change.  They are part of me...

1) I don't eat most condiments - mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, bbq sauce, tartar sauce, salsa, steak sauce, etc. I will eat ketchup on corndogs and fish sticks ONLY. And mayonnaise on a Sonic burger ONLY. I do however put Tabasco sauce on pizza. And I love Ranch Dressing.

2) I hate socks. I would go barefoot in the winter if my feet wouldn't freeze. Spring, summer, and fall are spent barefoot or in flipflops. And I prefer my feet to be on the cooler side of the temperature spectrum.

3) My friends say I'm a chameleon. I can change my look (hair & makeup mostly) and personality to suit whatever mood I'm in. They say I can fit in with any crowd.

4) I go to weddings for the wedding cake! And you would be surprised at how many people spend hundreds of dollars on horrible wedding cakes - beautiful but taste like something I would rub on my hands to get dirt off with.

5) I have no sense of balance in a canoe. I have fallen out of a canoe that was still sitting with one end on a bank.

6) I truly do not understand how women, after having their first child, decide to have more! My daughter is 4 years old and I am still traumatized by labor.

7) I am a rare person who broke my leg by falling on a FLAT surface. Not only did I break my leg, but I dislocated my ankle so badly, that the dislocation broke my leg.

8) I LOVE singing karaoke. I've even gotten a little more adventurous in the choices of songs, just to try them out. I also love listening to people do it...both the good and the bad.

9) I experienced preterm premature rupture of membranes during my pregnancy with my daughter. My water broke at 22 weeks. I carried her for almost 8 weeks (against one OBs instructions of exploring my options for terminating my pregnancy) to have a tiny, but healthy, girl at 29 weeks, weighing 2 lbs 15 ounces. And now she's perfect with no longterm health issues from her premature birth.

10) I have the greatest sister in the world. I hated her as a child then something changed in my teenage years and she is one of my best friends. I can't imagine my life without her. She's been my biggest supporter and shoulder through my entire adult life. I love her more than words can ever say!

11) I've had all of my best friends for 10 years or longer. I'm almost 30 years old and my longest friendship has been going for about 23 years I believe.

12) My favorite color is silver...and pink...and green...and blue...and red. I can't pick just one.

13) I say "seriously" WAY too much.

14) I am a sympathy puker - if I hear it, smell it, see it - I do it too. Even when it comes to my own child. Even when a dog pukes, I have to leave the room.

15) I have a huge birthmark on my right leg that as a child I was picked on about, but as an adult I find it to be a beautiful part of me. I also have a second birthmark on my right leg that very few people ever get to see.

16) I can't jump. I believe I get about 3-6 inches off the ground. Not sure if it has to do with my partially webbed toes or the fact that my feet turned in when I was little and had to wear special shoes.

17) I only got in trouble twice at school and both times they were in PE class. Once in Junior High and once in High School. Hmmm, I think there was a pattern.

18) I have NEVER tried drugs of any kind...not even pot...not even once. And I have no inclination to do so, ever.

19) I have a very hard time seeing the gray areas of things. I see things in black and white. It either is or it isn't. You either are or you aren't.

20) I cuss like a sailor...in fact, I can proabably say things that would make a sailor blush. But I have to be comfortable enough around you for you to see that part of my personality. And I will hold it back if I think someone will find it offensive.

21) I'm an organized disorganized person. I make list and after list for things, but my office, desk, and personal space is always a disaster. But 99.9% of the time I can find whatever it is that I need in a few seconds, even in my madness. Now if only I could ever remember where I put my wallet, my car keys, my cell phone...

22) I argue like a lawyer. I'm extremely logical and quick. And I will continue to argue until I get my point across or the other person gives in. Whatever you decide.

23) I have a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. I'm two courses and an internship paper shy of a Master's degree. I really should finish that, but I have no idea what I want to do with it or even if I do.

24) The Golden Girls is my all time favorite television show and I will watch it every chance I get. They are a family even though they aren't actually related and that's how I've been with my best friends.

25) I would love to find a way to encourage young women to be tested for blood-clotting disorders prior to starting birth control pills. I have two of them which caused a blood clot in my brain when I was 23. My sister has been tested (she doesn't have them) and I will have my daughter tested.