Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 2 of 28 to a Healthy Life

For as long as I can remember, I've been smoking. I never planned on being a smoker, mostly because my parents were smokers and it never seemed appealing to me. I got a job in the fall of 1997 working at Sonic in a nearby town. Girls there smoked; the friend that I rode with smoked. So, I started. Man it helped with stress. I didn't realize 13 years later, I would still be smoking.

In my path of self-rediscovery, I am embarking on becoming a non-smoker once again. I quit while pregnant with my daughter. I quit again after having my daughter when I did aricular therapy. This lasted for 3 months. I tried again in January of 2010 to quit cold turkey and it didn't even last a day.

I'm running now. And running a lot...okay, walking a lot and running a little. My lungs can't take it. I've put 12.5 miles on my $50 running shoes in the past week. I have a 5K on May 1st, another one in July, a 10K in August, and my first ever 1/2 marathon in October. I HAVE to quit smoking.

I'm an all-the-way-in kinda girl. I jump without looking. When I'm set, there's no hesitation. So, why am I hesitating on this? Can I really not live a life without the puffing on a cigarette when I'm bored, when I'm driving, when I'm talking on the phone? That can't be! I won't let it be!

I'm a list maker for everything. And I'm also one of those people who believes if you don't write it down, it didn't happen. So, if I don't write it down, it won't happen. I've vowed in front of over 2500 Smokin' Hot Mamas that I will be smoke free come May 13th. I've constructed by 28 Days to a Healthy Life schedule. I'm on day 2. And even though I'm allowed my standard pack-a-day today, I have a goal of no more than 16 because that's what I smoked yesterday on the first day of the healthy life journey to stop smoking.

I will be a non-smoker on May 13th. I will have run my 2nd 5K come May 13th. I will be getting better with each passing day.


  1. So very, very proud of you Kathy! Welcome to your journey - it will lead you anywhere you want to go in life!
    Loving Life,

  2. Thank you Pamela! It's been a rough few days but I've managed to only go over one day!! I think that's a great accomplishment and I'm still set on May 13th as my quit date!

  3. Very awesome - I pray you overcome this hurdle! I am not in the habit of begging anyone to do anything. I believe in free will. However, I have recently witnessed my 46 yo BIL struggle with lung cancer and lose his battle. He was a lifetime smoker. I don't want to see anyone else have to go through that struggle. It was nothing less than horrible.

  4. Matthewsclan - thank you for the encouragement on this journey. Cigarettes are one of the most damaging habits to acquire because they are so hard to quit, even if you are motivated, encouraged, and supported. It's a change in everything that I'm doing to do it without cigarettes and I WILL get there. Not just for me, but my precious daughter too! Thank you for sharing your story with me! It's another reminder as to why this part of my journey is so important!
