Monday, April 26, 2010

How Hard am I Actually Working to Meet My Goals?

Several months ago, I set goals for my "Perfect '10". I'm not very diligent at meeting those goals so far this year, but for once I haven't given up either. To increase my accountability, I'm putting the Top Goal from each category and where I'm at. This is a very open message to myself that 4 months into the year, I need to refocus and regroup with myself about these goals!


1. Start a graphic design/photography/party planning business

Okay, so thanks to encouragement and support from the SHMC, I have actually started this! Sent in my paperwork to the State of Missouri this morning and started a website (

Financial Goals

1. Save money for deposits and rent for my first apartment.

I didn't do this when I got my tax return in. I knew I wouldn't. Something about all that dough and nothing to show for it seems so appealing at the time that I'm spending it! Okay, not really. Maybe my first financial goal should be to set a budget! Not that I have any income right now, but it wouldn't hurt to have a plan for when I do.

Physical Goals

1. Lose 70 pounds.

I'm nowhere closer to this goal yet. I've dropped 5 or 10 pounds, then gained it back. I am toning up or something because my panties and bottoms are looser.

Mental Goals

1. Find a reason to laugh every day.

I think this one I have in the bag now. My daughter is the best at finding ways to make me laugh. Now, I'm trying to start taking my daily photos to remember those moments!

Family Goals

1. Spend at least one night a week focused on Sheryl.

I'm bad about this, to completely focus on her for an entire evening with so many people in the house. But I have been doing some fun stuff with her that we didn't do before. She's addicted to Mac and Cheese that's microwavable. For the 3 1/2 minutes that it's cooking, we dance and sing in the kitchen. Sheryl's version of Sugarland's "All I Wanna Do" is now one of my favorite audio recordings on my phone!

Spiritual Goals

1. Find a church I'm comfortable with.

This is a super hard one for me. I've been to a couple of churches a couple of times, but haven't found my fit yet.

Lifestyle Goals

1. Get my own place.

Well, this one isn't happening right now. I've got no income and virtually no job prospects.

Hmmmm, looking at these goals that I've had since before the new year and seeing that for my number one in each, I haven't really accomplished much is rather disappointing. I'm disappointed in myself because I know that I can do all of these. Something's stopping it time? money? effort? willpower? lack of initiative?

I could say. I know what the excuse is, but it's just an excuse.

*Note to self: Get off your lazy ass Kathy and do something...change something...anything. Stop acting as if you're gonna get somewhere by doing nothing. It's not gonna happen. You know that, woman! Make the most out of each day. Stop complaining! Work hard and play hard. Take your time and do it right! You can make it happen!*

Anyway, here's to another week of working toward my goals. Now that I've given myself a little pep talk and we're seeing eye to eye of what I want to accomplish, it's back at it. Stronger, harder, faster, better.



  1. There you go Kathy . . . that's the honest reality check and personal pep talk you needed to get moving. Onward and upward my friend. Let's see just how much progress you can make in one day . . . I think with your absolute best effort you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in this single day!
    Loving Life,

  2. Pamela - thank you for the info on a church to try...I can't wait until Sunday!
